Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's been awhile

After almost finishing up the Xeloda oral chemo I had a CT scan to see if the cancer had spread and what was going on. It turns out that the Xeloda had not been working. The cancer has spread throughout my liver some more and some spots are bigger and also the same with my lungs. So it is good news that it has not spread to any other organs or bones but not so good that we lost those 12 weeks or so trying the Xeloda.
So on Monday I started two new kinds of chemo IV that I can't remember the names to. They are making me so tired. I am just exhausted and can barely get out of bed. But the pain is lessening which is a good sign (they said the pain would go away when the tumors shrank) but it does seem a bit quick acting but I'll take what I can get.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wow, thank you

To whoever sent the "Birthday Card" to us today we were so suprised and so happy. Thank you so much. I wish I knew who it was so we could thank you in person.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Radiation starts on Monday. They are going to do my mapping (where I get the radiation) and also my first treatment on the same day which is great. Usually it is two appts but they will combine into one since I have to drive an hour each way.
So after 10 to 14 days of radiation (every day but Saturday and Sunday) I will hopefully not have as much pain. And I am still on the chemo so that should also help.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

All the news...

Well, I guess it has been awhile since I have posted on here but wanted to bring everyone up to date. It has been a bit crazy around here.
So after having some pain in my side for a couple of days I went to my regular doctor and he sent me to the hospital for a CT scan thinking that my gallbladder needed to come out. But it turned out that it was actually cancer on my liver that hadn't shown up on any other scans. That sucked.
Then met with oncologist and he said the oral chemo should shrink that as well and I wouldn't be in so much pain. But that didn't seem to happen so I mentioned to him when I saw him next (this past Monday) that it still hurt pretty bad. So he called the radiation oncologist and I got an appt. the next day.
Radiation oncologist (let's call him McDreamy) said that he was really excited to be able to use the "Triolgy" on me which is radiosurgery and he has never been able to do it on a liver but I looked like a good candidate. So two days later I went back for a scan to see if I was a candidate for this. If not then I would be treated with regular radiation.
The techs said everything looked good. They thought it would all work out.
Friday at lunch, McDreamy called me and said, not only can I not do the radiosurgery (which would have killed the cancer on my liver) my liver is covered with more than 30 cancerous lesions. So that really sucks. They don't really know what is going on at this point other than it is a pretty nasty cancer I have. (does cancer take on your personality? I'm pretty stuborn, so is this cancer. Discuss).
So on either Tuesday or Wednesday I will start conventional radiation for 10ish treatments to shink the tumors and then hopefully I will not have the pain. I am also back on the oral chemo. Typically when you do radiation you don't do chemo at the same time but McDreamy wants to fight this from all angles. I'm all for that.
So keep your fingers crossed for me. We're looking at some other options (other doctors, etc) just to make sure all bases are covered.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Lots new

I'm pretty tired tonight so I am going to post tomorrow but there have been some major changes and again, they aren't good.
The main thing is it looks like my liver has cancer all over it and they are going to do radiation starting on Tuesday or Wednesday. Back on the oral chemo.
More tomorrow.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Going to Seattle

Harper and I are taking a quick trip on Wednesday out to Seattle. Going to the Puyallup Fair and then out to the cabin. Should be a fun trip.
Chemo is going well, no bad side effects. I'm tired but not sure I can attribute all of that to the chemo!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I got my chemo pills today and thank goodness I have insurance. I had a $20 co-pay, it said my insurance saved me $2159!!! For 14 days!!!
I am going on the theory that since these are really expensive they must work really well. The more it costs the better it is, right?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


After talking to the doctor and coming up with a plan (after a zillion questions) here it is:
Going to take Xeloda ( a chemo drug) orally twice a day for 2 weeks and then take a week off. I will do this for 2 or 3 cycles and then test again and see what is going on with the cancer. Hopefully it will have shrunk.
The clinical trial that I am eligible for includes on the of the chemo drugs that I was just taking and was ineffective so it is pointless to do that trial. I am going to try this one drug and see how it works and then we'll either continue with it or else get a new one.
Breast cancer is a bit different than other cancers in that it will respond to different types of chemo so if this one doesn't work it doesn't mean that a different one won't work. So it is just a process of finding the right one.
I am just waiting for the insurance company to approve me taking this drug. The doctor writes a prescrpition for it, obviously wants me to take it, insurance won't cover it till pharmacy faxes doctor's office for permission, they doctor's office calls the insurance company and says that yes, he wants me to take it, and then they will call the pharmacy to tell them it is ok.
I think I freaked the girl out a bit last night, she said "do you need this right away?" and I said, well, the cancer is growing as we speak so yeah, I do. Still waiting to hear back from the insurance company. Errrrrrrrrr!
Good news is that the side effects of this chemo are pretty minimal.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bad news

Looks like the cancer has spread to my lungs and liver. Doctor is looking into clinical trials right now to see what I qualify for. I told him I'd like to treat this as aggressively as possible. Pretty much sucks right now!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Biopsy Done

Had the lung biopsy done this morning. It went really well, the doctor was so young I wondered if he really could have done so many. But he has and I guess he is the "go to" guy for difficultly placed biopsys. Mine was right next to my heart and aorta so they didn't want to miss and hit anything!
They slid me through the CT scanner a couple of times, numbed me up, put in the needle and then slid me through the scanner a few more times, moved the needle, repeat, repeat, repeat. Then took the sample, took out the needle and I got to rest up for a while to make sure no bad side effects. I'm home and feeling fine.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Lung biopsy scheduled for first thing Tuesday morning. I get Versad with it which makes it much better. I should have results by the end of next week.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A lot of great friends

You know, when faced with a horrible disease I can't imagine going through it without such great friends and family. Although today could have been a really horrible day I was reminded over and over how many people really care and it means a lot to me. All the good thoughts are helpful and I never tire of hearing them!
They had scheduled the biopsy for Tuesday morning but then they found out they misscheduled it so I will find out tomorrow when it is.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Medical Update~ PET Scan results

Met with the doctor this morning and got the results of my PET Scan. The main thing was to compare the results with the PET scan that I did in May. I had a few spots on my lungs and the hope was that they would stay the same throughout my chemo. That would mean that they were not cancer (as the chemo was not effecting them). The next best would be that they dissappeared (they were cancer but the chemo made them dissapear) and the worst would be that they grew (they are cancer (most likely) and the chemo didn't work). Well, lucky me, one of my spots grew from 10mm to 20mm and another one grew from 7mm to 10mm. So I was taken off of the chemo that I have been doing since it does not seem to be affecting the spots on my lungs. There was no other spots of cancer anywhere else.
To verify that it is cancer I am going to get a lung bioposy next week and then they will know for sure what we are dealing with. It is still considered breast cancer, not lung cancer. Assuming it is cancer I will be on oral chemo, two weeks on, one week off, for 6 months or more. Radiation is also on hold for the time being.
This pretty much sucks and is not what we wanted to hear but I will continue to fight this and keep my sense of humor about it. Any good thoughts would be appreciated.
I'll post when the biospy is scheduled. They will go in through my back, CT guided and then pull out the sample. They will have the results within 48 hours of the biopsy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This really annoys me

I'm so tired of getting this from people:
Oh, you have cancer again?
Me: yes, same kind, breast cancer.
Them: oh, well, are you going to have surgery this time?
Me: I had a double mastecomy last time.
Them: oh? and it came back?
This is what I get from the conversation: if I had been smart I would have had a mastectomy the first time and since they think I didn't it's not that suprising that the cancer came back. Like they think I wasn't smart enough to get it done. (Of course, I don't look like I had a double mastectomy, very nice reconstruction job).
Now, it is everyone's choice what type of surgery they get. I had three doctors reccomment double mastectomy and I didn't want to go through this again so that is what I did. And it still came back.
Anyway, what I am trying to say, less than elegantly, is that I am so tired of people thinking I didn't do it right the first time. But, there is no right way for everyone so of course I did it right. But, I was also very aggressive in my treatment, 29 chemos and a double mastectomy. No, I didn't have radiation but is because radiation isn't typical when there is nothing left to radiate and you don't have it spread to lymph nodes and you have chemo. The risk of getting another type of cancer from radiation outweighed the benefit of radiation at that time knowing what we knew.
So I'll be getting a PET scan next Wednesday to double check everything, then hopefully 2 more chemos and then a month off and then radiation.

I fight like a girl

“I Fight Like A Girl”
“I fight like a girl who refuses to be a victim. I fight like a girl who is tired of being IGNORED and HUMORED and BEATEN and RAPED.
I fight like a girl who’s sick of not being taken seriously. I fight like a girl who’s been pushed too far. I fight like a girl who OFFERS and DEMANDS RESPECT.
I fight like a girl who has a lifetime of ANGER and STRENGTH and PRIDE pent up in her girly body.
I fight like a girl who doesn’t believe in FEAR and SUBMISSION. I fight like a girl who knows that THIS BODY and THIS MIND are mine.
I fight like a girl who knows that
I fight like a girl who will never allow you to take more than I offer.I fight like a girl who FIGHTS BACK.
So next time you think you can distract yourself from your insecurities by victimizing a girl, THINK AGAIN.
She may be ME and
-Author anonymous

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cost of chemo

Thank goodness for insurance (although it still costs sooo much money). I got my bill for chemo the other week and the total for 2 types of chemo, a shot to keep up my white blood cells and anti nausea meds and saline, etc. is a grand total of $13,364.02. Yes, $13 thousand dollars and I am in and out in about 4 hours including a doctor visit (that is not on this bill though). I think we really need to look at our health care.
If the government is taking over car companies why is everyone so against them taking over healthcare? Not that I necessarily agree with taking over car companies but for healthcare, something needs to happen. It's not working the way it is right now, that's for sure.

Chemo this morning

I don't want to jinx it but I feel like this chemo is going pretty well. I just get really tired. I am also going to knitting tonight which is good!
I was thinking, does anyone have any questions about cancer? Treatments? Anything like that? I feel like I have a lot of info to share but don't want to overburden anyone.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Back from vacation

I survived the car ride after chemo and no trips to the ER. It was such a great vacation. I slept most of the way out there and then it was very relaxing. I took it easy out at the cabin (which is pretty easy to do anyway) and it was so nice. I wish it hadn't been so hot but better than rain!
I also want to thank whomever left the gift in the Biscuit book! Thank you thank you thank you!

Chemo next week and then only 2 more after that!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Getting ready for vacation and oh yeah

I have to get chemo first. Not much new here. Then it is off to the cabin. I have a lot of packing to do first.
Can't wait to see so many people out there!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Not much new

I guess I'm pretty lucky, this chemo just makes me tired. It's kind of funny, I'll be fine, doing whatever and then all the sudden, it just hits and I am so tired. I'm hoping that that will be all and no more trips to the hospital or anything like that. I am counting down the days till we leave on vacation. We're going to leave right after chemo so that might be a bit interesting but I figure if I'm going to sleep it might as well be in the car.
I'm doing my best to avoid germs. No large crowds for me this weekend.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

still so tired

I ended up sleeping most of the weekend. Man, what a waste of time. We did get out to watch the fireworks and today Harper and I went to Pueblo and got a few things. We met up with some good friends. What a difference it makes to see people and talk about stuff other than cancer (mostly their little boy, what a cutie). It was nice to get out of the house.
Still have this horrible taste in my mouth, last time they said it was from the cytoxin (one of the chemos) but that is not true since I have it again! The strongest mint won't cure it! I keep eatting to get rid of the taste but I'm not even really hungry, just anything not to taste it! I've got three packs of gum for tomorrow so hopefully that will get me through the day.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

This is gross

Ugh, second chemo yesterday. It went fine, port worked great and felt ok afterwards. Made it to knitting which is the ultimate goal of course. But then at 1am, ugh, it hit. This is gross but I puked so hard it came out my nose too. And it burned. I think it's all better now and I hope it won't come back.
I did get a Neulasta shot that hopefully will keep my white blood cell numbers up so no more trips to the hospital. Doctor knows we are taking trip to Seattle and has ok'd that. Said he'd send me with some antibiotics so I won't have to go the hospital if I get sick. That's great. It would suck to be on vacation in the hospital.
And, I'm even planning on going to work tomorrow. It's officially closed for 4th of July but that will help out, I can get work done without the phone ringing. Then next week it is hopefully back to normal and I can get on a regular schedule.
Cross your fingers no more puking!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Going to Denver

We're frantically cleaning our house getting ready for my Danish family to visit us. They are flying in to Denver tonight and we are going up to meet them so they don't get lost/overwhelmed. It sucks for timing, I have to get my port fixed tomorrow so we won't get to hang out with them during the day tomorrow. The surgery is at 12pm but I won't get to eat all day, I hate that! I hope they can get this fixed and chemo will be much easier. Next chemo is on Wednesday. Family leaves Wednesday morning so hopefully Tuesday we can hang out. Do I actually have a job? I haven't worked in a week and hopefully I'll be in to work on Friday! I'm going to have soooo much to do.

Friday, June 26, 2009

I'm bald!

My hair was coming out in huge chunks so on Wednesday night we got out the razor and shaved it off. Matt actually was the one that did it for me. I just couldn't do it. I was going to do a mohawk just for fun but decided that it would look pretty funny to have my hair fall out of a mohawk!
Harper was so funny the next day when she saw me after school (I was asleep when she left). She kept saying, Tada! Look at Mommy's hair! Tada!!!
Met with the radiation oncologist this afternoon. He seems really smart (and McDreamy). I'll start radiation one month after I am done with chemo and will have 33 radiation treatments. That is also the number of chemo treatments that I will have had when you combine the last ones and these ones. I hate odd numbers but then if you add them together and just think of 66 treatments that is a bit better (although a whole lot). I was going to ask him if I could have 32 or 34 radiation treatments but it seems like oncologists don't like changing a whole plan just cause you don't like a certain number. So I added them to get the even number. (ok, it's not just me, I know that Matthew and Dad are reading this thinking "oh, 33, that's an odd number, too bad).

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

No work for me

My fever is gone and I called work to tell them that I was on my way in but they said No Go. I guess someone at work might have something contagious so they want me to stay home the rest of the week and get better. I guess that is good and it is great that they care but I really wanted to go to work. I'm a bit bored at home. So we're off to the library and farmer's market. And I guess I can get some knitting done. I have lots and lots of baby hats to make.
Here is the score right now: cancer 1 work 0

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Isolation is really boring

I made it home from the hospital on Monday night which was a good suprise. I really thought I was going to be in until today. I was in isolation so everyone that came to visit me had to wear a mask and gloves and they had to keep my door closed. My friend was down the hall having a baby and I couldn't even go see her! But I am home now although I do still have a fever. I was given huge doses of very strong antibiotics so hopefully they will keep working.
I'm home from work today and trying to figure out what I need to do to stay healthy and able to go to work and do normal things. I wish the doctor's office would call me back.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hospital Time

(Matt writing for Jessica)
Jessica came home Friday from work completely drained and with a bit of a fever. By Saturday afternoon, the fever hadn't gone away and her oncologist told her to go in to the hospital to have things checked out. Her white blood cell count came back really low and she was admitted to the hospital. They've been giving her IV antibiotics and checking her counts. We hope that she'll be able to come home on Tuesday.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Been busy...sleeping

I feel like I slept all weekend but I actually ended up doing quite a bit. On Friday I ended up leaving work early and going home and sleeping. Saturday was the annual Orchard of Hope Walk and walked there with the other "champions". What a nice event, some many different companies/organizations in Fremont county set up and sell things and raise money in addition to the walk. We don't have American Cancer Society in Fremont County so this kinda takes their place. They helped us out last year and we will be going back to them this year. It was nice to be able to help them out for a change. My work set up a booth and we raised a lot more money this year than last although as a whole the Orchard was down about $20,000 from last year.
Saturday afternoon we got to hang out with some friends and watch Harper swim in the kiddie pool. Then we all met up at the Holy Smoke BBQ contest and watched a Weiner Dog costume contest and race and then listened to Martini Shot. What a fun night. Harper had so much fun dancing and playing. It was great to see her see friends from school and talk to them and dance with them. And it was nice to just hang out with friends and listen to music and not think about cancer (although I had such horrible heartburn it was hard to forget I had just had chemo).
Sunday Harper and went to Pueblo and bought a few essentials and then slept the most of the day.
And today....drumroll please, I biked 4.5 miles tonight. Uphill (halfway), pulling a 35 pound kid in a bike trailer. I have had way way way too much energy today. I figured it would be a good way to get it out and get some exercise and Harper loves to ride. Matt's got a wobbly tire so he couldn't go. Now I realize 4.5 miles doesn't sound like much to the bikers who go all century and such but think that I just had chemo 5 days ago! And it was my 28th chemo threatment in the past year and a half! Now 4.5 miles seems a bit more impressive (at least to me).
Tomorrow it is an early morning to Denver for a work meeting.
Thursday giving blood for my new port to be put in on Monday. They said I would be out of work for a few days but I doubt it. Maybe Tuesday but that is it.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

So far so good

After sleeping 12 1/2 hours last night I feel pretty decent today. I'm just taking it easy and taking the meds as often as possible to prevent any puking. I'm hoping it stays like this although my immune system will be at it's low point for 7-14 days after the infusion so we'll see how next week goes.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chemo today

They tried to get my port to access today but it wouldn't draw back blood but they said to go ahead and then the only way it would work is if my head was some random angle so the alarm kept going off. So they decided to do my wrist for the IV which I hate but they actually got it on the first try which is amazing. They also found out that my port is not working correctly, when they put in the saline and heperin it "gurggled", sounding like a garden hose going through my neck. Very strange. So they are going to see if it can be fixed but they doubt it so they are going to try and get one put into my arm. I really hope it can be done in the office, I don't want another surgery.
But I did make it to knitting tonight and now I am exhausted so I am going to get some ice cream and go to bed.
Hoping to go back to work on Friday, my boss said I could come in tomorrow if I get a surge of energy but that seems pretty doubtful. I think Harper is getting farmed out to Kara for the second day in a row for at least part of the day! Kara is saving the day for me!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

chemo tomorrow

I think the title says it all.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Dreading chemo

I think it is worse this time since I know what is coming. Last time I only thought I knew how bad it would be. Also got an appointment at the radiation oncologist for the end of June so I can be ready to go when chemo is over. Yippee. Did get a call from the MA at the oncologist's office and she said she would come over and say hello while I'm getting chemo. Seems nice.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

chemo chemo chemo and drugs

I have to get special approval for one of my nausea drugs. That is so stupid of the insurance. I think if anything is for chemo then it should be automatically approved. It's a secondary one that I used last time that is fast acting so it works great if all the sudden you feel pukey. It is a generic and costs $137 for 15 pills! So I need the insurance to cover it. What a pain. At least the other ones are covered and some are even the $4 ones which is great!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Chemo Plan

I'll start chemo next week on Wednesday. I'll do 4-6 sessions of chemo. Each session will be 3 weeks apart so I will be done in 12-18 weeks, which is better than the 27 last time. After chemo it will be 4-6 weeks of radiation every Monday through Friday.

I did get my new tattoo today. It hurt, it's still a bit bloody but I really like it.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Chemo Plan Announced Tomorrow

Stay tuned, we'll find out the plan tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Getting inked

I really hate getting needles put in my arms or hands. Why then am I going to get a tattoo on my foot? I got the ok from the oncologist so it will be happening on Thursday. Going to get a pink ribbon on my right foot. I think it will be cute and it will be just to the side of where my flip flop goes. Perfect.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Some people are strange; others are wonderful

How come some people know you have cancer and don't say one word about it? It seems like it isn't that hard to say "I'm sorry you got cancer (again)". I'm not looking for sympathy that I have it, just an acknoldgement. On the other hand, I hear from people I haven't heard from in ages or don't know all that well and they are very supportive. So I guess that is the better thing to focus on.
And so many great people helping us out that we are so appreciative of. Every good thought means a lot to us.
And a quick Harper story, just becuase it was so funny this morning. We're driving to school and talking about whatever and she says "Mom, take a deep breath and calm down" (I'm totally calm so ok) so I do and then she says, "Cross your ams like this and then it will help you be patient with me." I'm not sure what crossing your arms does to help with patience and we were just talking but ok, I'll try it next time! :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Back to work

I know after a long holiday weekend most people dread going back to work but not me! I got the ok from the surgeon today and headed into work as soon as her fax came through. It was so nice to get out of the house and to be around people. Plus, when you have surgery and come back to work you always get some sympathy which is nice. And then Megan, one of the RNs, gave me a back massage that was wonderful. She said I need a total massage and I'm not going to disagree with her on that one!
I'm off work tomorrow but then back for the rest of the week.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Casting for Recovery pictures

Here are some of the pictures from the Casting for Recovery Retreat. What a great experience. i caught a brown trout. I felt bad for him but he didn't fight too much so I think he knew it was catch and release and I just wanted a photo and then he was free to go.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Things I have learned from cancer...

Ice cream cookie sandwhiches are really good.
Macaroni and cheese helps with nausea.
A good doctor can make all the difference. So can her nurses and everyone in her office.
When you get chemo every week you get to skip to the front of the check in line (oooh, the perks).

I have a lot of amazing friends that helped me get through it last time.
I have a lot more amazing friends that will help me get through it this time.
I wear a cowboy boot necklace almost every day to remind me to "kick cancer's ass" given to me by a great group of friends.

I don't think it's fair that I got cancer but I don't think it is fair for anyone to get cancer so you will never hear me say it's not fair.

Cancer really does suck.

I don't capitalize "cancer" unless it is at the beginning of a sentence. It doesn't deserve the respect.
My husband is a wonderful help getting me through this and it would really suck without him.
My daughter helps me get out of bed in the morning (figuratively although she is happy to help me physically as well).
Fly fishing with a bunch of other survivors is fantastic treatment.
I'm sure there is a lot more but that is all I can think of right now.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Surgery hurts

It's been two days and I realize I shouldn't expect to not hurt but it really does still hurt. I'm ready for the pain to end. It doesn't hurt as much as last time luckily. And I think I'm off the percocet except for night. I knitted yesterday and it looks great but the pocket I sewed on is very sideways. Need to fix before taking more medicine! I even took a shower today! I had a ton of blood caked on to the back of my hair~ how gross!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

good news

Good news from the surgery, the cancer has not spread. Such a relief to hear! I'm pretty high on percocet right now so this might be a sketchy post. They had to put my port in pretty high on my neck so that hurts the most of anything. Luckily my chest is numb so I feel no pain there. They thought I might have broken my collarbone at some point in my life there was so much scar tissue but I think I would remember that happening and I don't remember that! So much for the low scars that Dr. Finlayson made for me the first time. But anything is better than getting an IV in my arm, they tried four times yesterday and I thought they were maybe going to have to do the surgery while I was awake. I think my arm is more bruised than anything else. I need to go get some sleep (yes, it is 10am but percocet knocks me out).

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My work is so great!

I was suprised (kinda :) ) by a birthday party at work this afternoon. They are so great. They even had me get Harper so she could enjoy it too. Lots of food certificates which are going to be so great while I am recovering and going through chemo. Such a wonderful group of women that I work with! I am so lucky. They even got Harper some cute little presents.

Going in for surgery tomorrow

Real quick, found out yesterday that my cancer is not a recurrence of the other one, it is a whole new cancer. So that means I get to get chemo again. I am having surgery tomorrow to remove the rest of the tumor, check my lymph nodes and get a port put in. Happy birthday to me!
My work is great about this, so much better than last time although how could anyone be worse?
It's out patient surgery so I'll have Matt post tomorrow when we get home how it all went.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I caught a fish!

The Casting for Recovery retreat was so great. I'll post pics tomorrow, it was a busy weekend. I did catch a fish today though which was really cool. I even picked it up with my bare hands! Lots of great times, food (lots and lots of great food) and really cool people.
I'll post more tomorrow but here are the links of the weekend:

I'd reccomend both!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Gone fishing

I'm leaving in a few minutes to spend the weekend up in the mountains. I'm going to go fly fishing with about 11 other breast cancer patients/survivors. My old oncologist is going to be the medical advisor so it will be good to reconnect with her.
When I went to get my fishing license the guy working said "Hmmm, you must not have gotten a lisence for a long time" Ummm, never. So I think he figured that out when I told him that I had to get some sort of wildlife stamp or something and just really didn't know what a fishing license would look like.
Should be a lot of fun and luckily it is catch and release although I figure with my luck I'll catch the biggest fish. What does a vegetarian do when they catch a fish? Do I have to touch it to get it off my pole? Ewww.
So we're up in the mountains at some nice fishing resort, should be great, I'll post pics when I get back. Harper and Matt have a great weekend planned with out Mommy. In the meantime, have a good weekend!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Gonna work one job full time!

Well, I was going to work a second job this summer. I had a job all lined up at Raftmasters, a local rafting company. My official job title was "Office Girl" but today at my regular work I was offered full time! Great news. But I did have to quit the job I never even started. So no free rafting this summer but now we would maybe have the money to go if we want to (also, I'm not sure when I would have had time working two jobs anyway!).

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So I got the results of the PET scan the other day and the good news is that the cancer has not spread. So no chemo. I'll have to get another scan in 3-4 months to make sure that nothing has changed.
I did get a call from my surgeon today that the margins on my tumor removal weren't good so I will be getting some more of me removed. But it didn't hurt last time (the other week) so hopefully she will be able to do it in her office again and I won't have to have surgery.
I meet with the radiation oncologist on Monday to plan out radiation. Six weeks, Monday through Friday. I think I am going to get really tired of driving to Pueblo but it is a lot better than driving to Denver and anything is better than chemo!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Ok, so I'm new at this but wanted a way to let you all know what is going on. Too many people have said they are never opening my emails again so now you won't have to.
On August 8, 2008 I had my 27th chemo appointment and was positive that I would never have to do this again. Now I'm not so sure. I was just diagnosed with cancer again but since it is the weekend I have to wait to find out more info. I had a PET scan on Friday morning and I'm supposed to get the results on Monday. Usually weekends go so fast, not this one! With the results of the PET scan we'll know if the cancer has spread. If so, I'll be getting chemo again. I'm really really hoping it hasn't, I really don't want to do chemo again. I can do 30 radiation sessions (Monday - Friday for six weeks). That doesn't seem quite so bad as chemo although when you think of 30 radiation treatments that doesn't seem so great either.

We're going to try and get our minds off cancer today and go the the Brew Ha Ha. Should be fun~comedians and beer!