Monday, July 20, 2009

Getting ready for vacation and oh yeah

I have to get chemo first. Not much new here. Then it is off to the cabin. I have a lot of packing to do first.
Can't wait to see so many people out there!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Not much new

I guess I'm pretty lucky, this chemo just makes me tired. It's kind of funny, I'll be fine, doing whatever and then all the sudden, it just hits and I am so tired. I'm hoping that that will be all and no more trips to the hospital or anything like that. I am counting down the days till we leave on vacation. We're going to leave right after chemo so that might be a bit interesting but I figure if I'm going to sleep it might as well be in the car.
I'm doing my best to avoid germs. No large crowds for me this weekend.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

still so tired

I ended up sleeping most of the weekend. Man, what a waste of time. We did get out to watch the fireworks and today Harper and I went to Pueblo and got a few things. We met up with some good friends. What a difference it makes to see people and talk about stuff other than cancer (mostly their little boy, what a cutie). It was nice to get out of the house.
Still have this horrible taste in my mouth, last time they said it was from the cytoxin (one of the chemos) but that is not true since I have it again! The strongest mint won't cure it! I keep eatting to get rid of the taste but I'm not even really hungry, just anything not to taste it! I've got three packs of gum for tomorrow so hopefully that will get me through the day.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

This is gross

Ugh, second chemo yesterday. It went fine, port worked great and felt ok afterwards. Made it to knitting which is the ultimate goal of course. But then at 1am, ugh, it hit. This is gross but I puked so hard it came out my nose too. And it burned. I think it's all better now and I hope it won't come back.
I did get a Neulasta shot that hopefully will keep my white blood cell numbers up so no more trips to the hospital. Doctor knows we are taking trip to Seattle and has ok'd that. Said he'd send me with some antibiotics so I won't have to go the hospital if I get sick. That's great. It would suck to be on vacation in the hospital.
And, I'm even planning on going to work tomorrow. It's officially closed for 4th of July but that will help out, I can get work done without the phone ringing. Then next week it is hopefully back to normal and I can get on a regular schedule.
Cross your fingers no more puking!