Monday, September 21, 2009

Going to Seattle

Harper and I are taking a quick trip on Wednesday out to Seattle. Going to the Puyallup Fair and then out to the cabin. Should be a fun trip.
Chemo is going well, no bad side effects. I'm tired but not sure I can attribute all of that to the chemo!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jess :

    Hadn't checked in on your Blog in a bit. Glad to read that you're dialed in with your insurance and prescriptions. We'll all be keeping you in our prayers as you work on beating the Cancer back out of your body again. Hope your trip up to the NW was good and that you got up here before things got too chilly.
    Keep up the good work and keep us all posted on your situation.
    Sincerely, Pepi, Erica and the kids.
