Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This really annoys me

I'm so tired of getting this from people:
Oh, you have cancer again?
Me: yes, same kind, breast cancer.
Them: oh, well, are you going to have surgery this time?
Me: I had a double mastecomy last time.
Them: oh? and it came back?
This is what I get from the conversation: if I had been smart I would have had a mastectomy the first time and since they think I didn't it's not that suprising that the cancer came back. Like they think I wasn't smart enough to get it done. (Of course, I don't look like I had a double mastectomy, very nice reconstruction job).
Now, it is everyone's choice what type of surgery they get. I had three doctors reccomment double mastectomy and I didn't want to go through this again so that is what I did. And it still came back.
Anyway, what I am trying to say, less than elegantly, is that I am so tired of people thinking I didn't do it right the first time. But, there is no right way for everyone so of course I did it right. But, I was also very aggressive in my treatment, 29 chemos and a double mastectomy. No, I didn't have radiation but is because radiation isn't typical when there is nothing left to radiate and you don't have it spread to lymph nodes and you have chemo. The risk of getting another type of cancer from radiation outweighed the benefit of radiation at that time knowing what we knew.
So I'll be getting a PET scan next Wednesday to double check everything, then hopefully 2 more chemos and then a month off and then radiation.

I fight like a girl

“I Fight Like A Girl”
“I fight like a girl who refuses to be a victim. I fight like a girl who is tired of being IGNORED and HUMORED and BEATEN and RAPED.
I fight like a girl who’s sick of not being taken seriously. I fight like a girl who’s been pushed too far. I fight like a girl who OFFERS and DEMANDS RESPECT.
I fight like a girl who has a lifetime of ANGER and STRENGTH and PRIDE pent up in her girly body.
I fight like a girl who doesn’t believe in FEAR and SUBMISSION. I fight like a girl who knows that THIS BODY and THIS MIND are mine.
I fight like a girl who knows that
I fight like a girl who will never allow you to take more than I offer.I fight like a girl who FIGHTS BACK.
So next time you think you can distract yourself from your insecurities by victimizing a girl, THINK AGAIN.
She may be ME and
-Author anonymous

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cost of chemo

Thank goodness for insurance (although it still costs sooo much money). I got my bill for chemo the other week and the total for 2 types of chemo, a shot to keep up my white blood cells and anti nausea meds and saline, etc. is a grand total of $13,364.02. Yes, $13 thousand dollars and I am in and out in about 4 hours including a doctor visit (that is not on this bill though). I think we really need to look at our health care.
If the government is taking over car companies why is everyone so against them taking over healthcare? Not that I necessarily agree with taking over car companies but for healthcare, something needs to happen. It's not working the way it is right now, that's for sure.

Chemo this morning

I don't want to jinx it but I feel like this chemo is going pretty well. I just get really tired. I am also going to knitting tonight which is good!
I was thinking, does anyone have any questions about cancer? Treatments? Anything like that? I feel like I have a lot of info to share but don't want to overburden anyone.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Back from vacation

I survived the car ride after chemo and no trips to the ER. It was such a great vacation. I slept most of the way out there and then it was very relaxing. I took it easy out at the cabin (which is pretty easy to do anyway) and it was so nice. I wish it hadn't been so hot but better than rain!
I also want to thank whomever left the gift in the Biscuit book! Thank you thank you thank you!

Chemo next week and then only 2 more after that!